I don't know about you guys but for me, having a planner/organizer is essential for a student (especially when most of the responsibility's given to you). I was about to buy a Belle de Jour Planner for this year but one of my godparents gave this pretty awesome planner as a gift. I even personally think that this is the greatest and most efficient planner one could have! Let me tell you why.

This planner is very professional. Unlike other planners, this offers "special pages" that mainly focuses on goal/career planning. It helps the user to achieve his/her goals by jotting down those goals in and the planner helps by providing a daily checklist whether the user has applied any specific ways in achieving the goal in a day-to-day experience.
I'm also impressed that this planner has included a page dedicated for "The things I'm grateful for" and "The things that make me happy" simply because it's unusual for any planner to have this feature. I find this as a helpful reminder to everyone that apart from all the struggles we will be going through in the succeeding days, it is important for us to take note of good things more than the opposite as this could help us in having a positive look in life.
This is basically how the monthly and weekly tables look like. From the picture above, you can see the weekly/daily view of the month. Each day, it advises one to have 3 priorities listed for the purpose of efficiency. Below, you can see the monthly view. Every month, we are influenced to have at least one new habit which could help us in achieving our goal. Those little circles on the page indicates a check list to see whether we have practiced the new habit we're trying to achieve.
The last thing I really like about this planner is the inspiration it gives to the user almost every week through the number of quotes you see from cover to cover. Here's a gif of the quotes every month. The proceeding pictures are some of my favorite quotes which I found inside the planner.
I was supposed to be blogging about my 3rd day in Hong Kong but unfortunately, I am not happy with the outfit shots I took because I had my photos taken at night. I'm planning to re-take those photos probably tomorrow and post the blog entry by Thursday or Friday.
For now, I hope you guys enjoyed my planner review.
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